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7 Tips On Picking A Kindergarten School In Dubai

Selecting a kindergarten school for your child can be quite the hassle in a city like Dubai. There is a multitude of options to choose between, and every institution will promise the ‘best education money has to offer’.

The choice certainly isn’t made any easier by the fact that not only is there a wide range of schools; each is teaching the curriculum of a different country.

Sure, if you’re originally American, it makes sense to enrol your child in a school in an American curriculum institution, but what about expats who come from countries that are less well-represented in the UAE?

In this article, we’re going to try and help you get around this problem by presenting a few important tips every parent should keep in mind while selecting a kindergarten school in Dubai.

kindergarten school in Dubai

1. Start your research early

We recommend starting the school-selection process at least 6 months before your child is due for enrollment.

Look into all the different curricula on offer, and thoroughly research the pros and cons of each. We recommend checking out the following education systems that are accepted in major universities around the globe:

  • American
  • British
  •  International Baccalaureate

2. Ask friends and family

Word-of-mouth will/should play a big role in your decision.

Ask other parents in your district or community where their kids are studying, and how the experience has been so far. In particular, get in touch with those who recently went through the process of selecting a kindergarten.

They’ll give invaluable advice and help you get a better insight into how schools are run in Dubai.

3.  Get proactive

Once you’ve shortlisted a few schools that seem appealing, make appointments to meet with the respective principals by visiting the campus yourself; don’t just send them an Email.

This is one of the most important steps of the process, and you’ll need to give each visit due time. When it comes to picking out an academic institution for your children, first impressions certainly matter.

Don’t ignore that feeling in your gut telling you that a potential school just doesn’t seem right.

4. Questions for the principal

During your meeting, you’ll need to ask the principal and the administrative staff the following basic questions which should help you better gauge the overall quality of the school:

  • How many students are there in every classroom?
  • How large are the classrooms?
  • What is the student-teacher ratio?
  • How qualified are the teachers and what is the school’s hiring process?
  • Will transportation be provided by the school?
  • What is the fee structure and what aspects does it cover?
  • What kind of security has been provided on-campus?
  • Are medical facilities available?
  • Are toys and snacks available for kindergarteners within the classrooms?
  • How many cafeterias are operating and what kind/quality of food do they serve?
  • Do the classrooms have up-to-date technology?
  • What is the mix of new and old teachers?
  • Is support available for special children?
  • Are the teachers willing to give extra attention to students who struggle with spoken English?
  • Do students participate in group activities?

5. Take a tour

In addition to the questions listed above, you’ll also want to ask the principal for a tour of the campus and the classrooms.

Pay close attention to the students’ and teachers’ body language and demeanor. Vibes are a good indicator of how happy/comfortable someone is in an environment.

Remember: Preschool will, in most cases, be the first time your child has ever been away from his/her parents for extended periods of time. You want to make sure that he/she feels your absence as less as possible, and the best kindergarten schools in Dubai will always ensure that.

6. Look for fun learning activities

Children typically enter kindergarten at the age of 5, when they don’t have the attention spans to be lectured about a subject.

Go into one of the classrooms during your visit, and analyze what kind of learning resources they utilize. Ideally, this should be activity-based things like building blocks, colorful and illustrative books, math tools, a dedicated art area, and regular group reading sessions.

8. Talk to the teachers

Finally, you’ll want to take a few minutes to get to know the teaching staff that will effectively be acting as a second set of parents to your child.

Ask them why they chose to become kindergarten teachers and what kind of experience they have in dealing with young kids.

Also, inquire about the school’s process of measuring student progress. Do they value grades over personal growth? Are examinations conducted according to international standards? Are separate marks awarded for participation in extracurricular activities?

All good institutions pride themselves on developing individuals who excel professionally, academically, and socially. Don’t enroll your child in a school if it doesn’t value the personal aspects of a child’s growth.


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