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Three ways to practice public speaking skill with Students

Communication is the backbone for any community and any relationship. There are a number of the ways people communicate such as personal, professional and public.

People might be good at personal interactions and communication, but they have this fear of public speaking in general. This is because during their childhood the bubble of public speaking was never split open.

Children who do not practice public speaking in their childhood usually end up being in a state where they do not want to talk in front of people or the general crowd. 

There is a phobia of public speaking. Yes! You heard it right. Believe you me there is a name for this phobia which is Gloss phobia-This means speech anxiety or fear or public speaking. This brings us to the role of teachers who need to encourage students to speak up.  

Being in class, we know that there is a chance of avoiding speaking up. Children at the back can sneak around and do not raise their hand-easy way to avoid public speaking.

American curriculum schools in Sharjah

Teachers have to be attentive and meticulous when it comes to children's participation in class. But teachers at American curriculum schools in Sharjah put the effort in different ways to cultivate the habits of public speaking.

There is a number of ways public speaking can be practiced, and this article has discussed some of the top-notch things:

Do not make it hype:       

People are afraid of public speaking because adults make it a big deal. This means when the students are told that this thing is essential and they have to make it happen. Thus my advice to the teachers is to take it as a normal learning thing.

Public speaking is essential because it makes people more confident and representative of their personalities. Thus when you are trying to involve students in classroom engaging, then you have to ensure that it is not the hyped thing.


When you are trying to instill public speaking skills among students, then you should practice more and study less. If there is only knowledge about public skill, then the student will not learn. It all comes down to practice.

Techniques about public speaking can be taught in school, but it does not make sense unless students are implementing in class.

Play games instigate public speaking:

The best way to teach students something is play games involving that topic. So if you want to incorporate public speaking among students, then you should come up with creative games which will ensure that children speak up.

While playing children are not that conscious so they will make an effort to come up with their version of speaking up.

Final note:

Public speaking can be scary for children but letting them be scared is not what anyone should do. There are a number of ways this skill can be developed among students.

Teachers’ role can’t be ignored in this matter because they will be the one who can do this effortlessly. Being a teacher at American curriculum schools in Sharjah you know how important public speaking is for growth and development academically and personally.

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