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How to help your child behave politely

You know the feeling you get when you see some ill-mannered children doing what they do best i.e. being ill-mannered,   you hope and pray our kids may never get to that point!  Although it may not be the easiest task, raising well-mannered children, it’s something that needs to be done, to ensure that their academic and professional life doesn’t get affected by it.

 Everyone’s worried about good manners in children, and numerous institutes are popping up to teach children in the UAE some manners. But why not use the two best tutors for the purpose; Schools and parents. The American international schools in Dubai are taking this problem seriously too!

They are assisting parents in their pursuits to raise children that not only excel academically but those who possess certain essential qualities allowing them a place in the best social circles. Opting for the best American schools in Dubai may help parents and students both by working together to help children learn good mannerism.

American schools in Dubai

How to teach your child to be polite

Use the following tips to help your child remain polite in their everyday exchanges:

Start young

 Although your young one may never really understand the extent of their words,    they can quickly pick words like "please” and "thank you." Encourage your child to say these two phrases in routine exchanges. When your children grow up, they will understand that using polite phrases and words tends to make people feel better! 

 Along with the two, encourage your children to master other essential phrases such as “Excuse me," "No thank you" and "May I." Due to the frivolous use of these phrases in routine, these five phrases need to be learned, used and mastered!

Be their role model

As parents, you will probably be the first role model for your children which is why you should include as many "polite" phrases in your conversation as you can.  Since they're bound to copy you, if you use the phrases, they’re bound to use them too!

Acknowledge them publicly

 When you're out and about with children, make sure to involve them in conversations so that they don't act out in an attempt to grab attention. The presence of other children allows ample opportunities for parents to educate children about the expected social behaviors.

Noise levels, socializing, respecting other people's property, privacy and personal space need to be essential components of children's activities in public, so make sure they're well versed in these matters.

 Correct at the right time

If your child has been impolite or is misbehaving, its best to correct them at that time by taking them aside.  Correcting them at the right time will provide them with a deeper appreciation of how they're expected to behave.

For example; if your child is noisy, ask them to lower their voice because people around them are reading and getting disturbed.

Correct children politely

  It's more harmful than beneficial if you correct children aggressively in front of an audience. The point is to help the child, and not to exemplify how children shouldn't behave. It makes everyone uncomfortable, so allow your child some personal space to deal with them.

Avoid yelling,  squat to eye level and speak to them in a calm and relaxed voice. Your calm demeanor lets on that you're calm, and you don't mean to hurt them.

Take away!                                                                                                                                        

It’s not always easy to deal with children, to teach the basics of politeness. But it has to start somewhere! So why not from home!  Since homes are their very first learning institutes, it helps to have parents working to improve children's mannerism.

Also opt for the best American schools in Dubai that work with parents to teach their children academics along with other essentials of social and classroom behavior and critical values, contributing towards their future success in the real world!

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